Saturday, February 14, 2015

beachwear Event with Queen BJ @ CoCoLime


For the next few days Pure Island is offering a super Valentine/Presidents day sale!!
Rent one of our shops for one month and get the second month free! Yes you heard that correctly. Rent for one month and get the second month absolutely free.
We have two different sized shops.
Our small shops (two floors w/TP button) are 200L$ per week for up to 100 prims! Yes that's right 2L$ per prim!!
Our larger shops (two floors with stairs) are 400L$ per week for up to 200 prims! Still only 2L$ per prim!!
An unbelievable deal going on right here right now!
Any questions, contact DJRez Cyberstar or Jay Summers (toxicblacklipstick)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

a Furry Valentine

Awesome night with a lot of great music and incredible people. Celebrating Love and the Furry community.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Pure Island Shopping is proud and excited to welcome Dondi's Doodads!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Welcome prospective Merchants, Vendors and shopkeepers.

Shop Rental Information for Pure Island

 Small Shop
 Prims: 100
 Tier per Week : 200L$

 Large Shop
 Prims: 200
 Tier per Week : 400L$

 Both shops sizes include 2 floors. Small shops have a tp button on the front wall inside near the door. The large shops have stairs in the back. Click here to see the shops in Second Life!!
* You will need a group invite to be able to rez items on the parcel for your shop. GreeterPeter should send you an invite as soon as you rent. If not, IM DJReZ Cyberstar or toxicblacklipstick resident for an invite.
* Shops can not be parceled off.
* We need a full perm texture for your shop logo to put on the sign above the door. We will also use this for advertising on our blog and in our FB groups. ( Like Us!
* Marketplace and your shop: If you do not have another home location for your shop, and you do have a marketplace.. we suggest putting the url of your Pure Island location in your Marketplace shop information. This will direct buyers to your shop for direct sales. (there are many people that don't like buying on the marketplace / and makes more money for you because you don't have to pay linden the transaction charge)
* No breed-ables
* Mm boards and mini mania boards are allowed and welcomed - if you have a Mm board you are allowed to post them in the Pure Island group two times a day. We also suggest and welcome them to be posted in other MM board groups to increase traffic to your shop as well as the entire Island.
*If you choose to put up traffic items we ask that you limit them to One MM board and one Other traffic item (Chairs, cupcakes, lucky letter boards, etc.) Any Traffic items you choose to put out will not count on your prim usage.
*Scripts are turned off for the sim for items rezzed under a different group. However, you will need to have a group tag on to rez, so this should not be a problem. If you need to put up an item that needs to be set to a group, Please let us know. (ie. Group Inviter and Group Only MM boards. We can fix this for you, so it will work.
* If you have full perm products to sell, you are allowed to sell, templates, sculpts, textures.. ect... we do not limit the full perm items to be sold here.. all is welcome!
* Two weeks rent is preferred at rental
* If you need more prims, please let us know
* If you choose to terminate your lease, there is no refund.
* If the sim owner chooses to end a shop lease, there will be a refund for the days not used.
* To try to reduce lag, please try to keep your scripts to a minimum. please use the following guide for reference. (does not count for traffic items)
        *100 prims - 20 scripts
        *200 prims - 30 scripts
* Rezzers : If you would like to use a rezzer for your items that is fine, as long as it doesn't go over the script limit, and is not set to auto rez.
* Prim usage is monitored. If your prim usage is over, you will be contacted to correct it.
* Please keep all items inside of the shop walls and fenced area for the small shops. (unless the entire sim is having a sidewalk sale)
* Changing Spots - if a spot becomes available that you would like to move your shop to. You may rent the new spot and move your things over. We will transfer any remaining balance to your new locations rent box, you need to let us know of this change.

Welcome to the home of Pure Island!

It is with great pleasure that we introduce you to this new blog. Please stay tuned as we grow our merchant business as well as the two clubs on Pure Island. We hope that you enjoy your stay and make sure you pop into the events!